Parkside Hospital
53 Parkside, London SW19 5NX
Phone: 020 8971 8000
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
Phone: 020 8949 9000
The Lister Hospital
Chelsea Bridge Rd, London, SW1W 8RH
Phone: +44 20 3993 7566
Conservative treatments for urinary incontinence
Medical treatments for urinary incontinence
Surgical treatments for urinary incontinence including slings, colposuspension, Botulinum toxin (Botox) treatment to the bladder, bulking to the bladder neck
Conservative treatments for prolapse including vaginal devices: ring, shelf, gellhorn, cube pessaries
Surgical treatments for prolapse including vaginal repair, vaginal hysterectomy, procedures to suspend the vaginal vault to ligaments in the pelvis and to the sacrum (tailbone)
Specialist in management of complex prolapse or incontinence including treatment for women who have had procedures that have failed once or more, women who have failed medical treatment in the past, chronic problems
Treatment for longstanding bladder/urethral/vaginal pain/recurrent cystitis
Childbirth injury including conservative and surgical treatments: vaginal/perineal reconstruction
General gynaecology including heavy periods, period pain, Menorrhagia, sterilisation, bleeding after menopause, menopause symptoms, vaginal dryness
Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
RCOG Accredited Subspecialist Urogynaecologist
Clinical lead for Urogynaecology
Clinical lead for Gynaecology
Member of the Training Sub Committee for the British Society of Urogynaecologists
Member of the Southwest London Regional Pelvic Floor Network
South London Preceptor for RCOG Urogynaecology Advanced Training Skills Module
Member of the London Urodynamics Club
Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Member of the British Society of Urogynaecologists
Member of the International Urogynaecological Association
Member of the International Continence Society
Member of the International Society of Ultrasound in Urogynaecology
I am married with two young children and live and work in southwest London/ Surrey
I enjoy running, playing tennis, golf, skiing, and technology when my children allow me the time!
My wife and I also enjoy eating out, theatre and musicals. We are members of the National Trust and enjoy spending some of our weekends at these locations. We also travel extensively when we are able.
Changes in detrusor muscle oxygenation during detrusor overactivity contractions
Vijaya G, Digesu GA, Derpapas A, Panayi DC, Fernando R, Khullar V
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012 Jul;163(1):104-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2012.03.030. Epub 2012 Apr 23.
Rectal distension: The effect on Bladder Function
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Digesu GA, Spiteri M, Hendricken C, Fernando
Neurourol Urodyn. 2011 Mar;30(3):344-7. doi: 10.1002/nau.20944. Epub 2011 Jan 25.
Womens perspective of botulinum toxin treatment for overactive bladder symptoms
Digesu GA, Panayi D, Hendricken C, Camarata M, Fernando R, Khullar V
Int Urogynecol J. 2011 Apr;22(4):425-31. Epub 2010 Nov 24
Ultrasound measurement of vaginal wall thickness: a novel and reliable technique
Panayi DC, Digesu GA, Fernando R, Khullar V
Int Urogynecol J. 2010 Oct;21(10):1265-70. Epub 2010 May 26.
Validity of Rome III Criteria in assessing constipation in women
Digesu GA, Panayi D, Kundi N, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Khullar V
Int Urogynecol J. 2010 Oct;21(10):1185-93. Epub 2010 May 21
Transvaginal measurement of bladder wall thickness: a more reliable technique than transperineal and transabdominal techniques
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Tekkis P
BJU Int. 2010 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print]
A persistent bladder erosion with ureteric involvement following mesh augmented repair of cystocele
Derpapas A, Digesu GA, Panayi D, Vale J, Khullar V.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Is the beneficial effect of antimuscarinics related to motor or sensory changes in the bladder?
Panayi DC, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Khullar V
Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2010 Mar 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Ultrasound measurement of bladder wall thickness is associated with overactive bladder symptoms
Panayi DC, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Hendricken C and Khullar V
Neurourol Urodyn. 2010 Feb 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Is ultrasound estimation of bladder weight a useful tool in the assessment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms?
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Digesu GA, Hendricken C, Fernando R, Tekkis P
Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2009 Dec;20(12):1445-9.
Reliability and normal ranges for the patient perception of urgency scale (PPIUS)in normal women
Cartwright R, Panayi DC, Cardozo L, Khullar
BJU Int. 2009 Oct 10. [Epub ahead of print]
Urogynaecological problems in pregnancy and postpartum sequelae
Panayi DC, Khullar V
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Feb;21(1):97-100
Preoperative opening detrusor is predictive of detrusor overactivity following TVT in patients with preoperative mixed incontinence
Panayi DC, Duckett J, Digesu GA, Camarata M, Basu M, Khullar V
Neurourol Urodyn. 2009;28(1):82-5.
Should we explain lower urinary tract symptoms to women?
Digesu GA, Khullar V, Panayi DC, Calandrini M, Gannon M, Nicolini U
Neurourol Urodyn. 2008;27(5):368-71.
Quality of life questionnaires in evaluating the overactive bladder
Panayi DC, Khullar V
European Urological Review Volume 3 Issue 1 2008 59-61
An Overview of the Management of Urodynamic Stress Incontinence
Panayi DC and Khullar V
European Genitourinary Disease 78-80 2008
CONTINENCE: Current Concepts and Treatment Strategies
Chapter 13: Surgery for Stress Incontinence: Midurethral Slings
Demetri Panayi and Vikram Khullar
Strat OG Module ‘Perineal and Vaginal Surgery’ RCOG Website 2008
Demetri C Panayi
Chapter 12 History and Examination: Vik Khullar and Demetri Panayi – Chapter revision for new edition Textbook of Female Urology and Urogynecology, Cardozo and Staskin (in press 2009)
Ultrasound Chapter for Urodyamics Illustrated (RCOG textbook (in press 2009) Demetri C Panayi and Vik Khullar
Potential Role of Muscarinic Receptors in Pathophysiological Mechanisms
Demetri Panayi and Vik Khullar
(In press)
Investigation of detrusor overactivity in the secondary care setting
Demetri Panayi and Vik Khullar
Meeting: Annual Scientific Update Urogynaecology RCOG/BSUG Meeting November 2009
Invited Speaker: Case Presentation of Mesh Erosion
DC Panayi
Annual Blair Bell Scientific Meeting November 2009
Mean bladder wall thickness is an accurate objective measure of overactive bladder symptoms in women
Panayi DC
International Continence Society (ICS) 2009 San Francisco
Is bladder wall thickness a better objective measure than urodynamics for overactive bladder symptoms?
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Hendricken C, Tekkis
Anticholinergic medication: does it work via the sensory or motor route?
Panayi DC, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Khullar V
International Society Ultrasound Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISUOG) 2009 Hamburg
Vaginal wall thickness is related to the degree of vaginal prolapse
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Tekkis P
Bladder wall thickness to assess if anticholinergics work via the sensory or motor route
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Tekkis P
The fascial defect theory for vaginal prolapse is not supported by ultrasound measurement of vaginal wall thickness
Panayi DC, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Khullar V
Are overactive bladder symptoms better objectively measured using mean bladder wall thickness
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Tekkis P
(Oral Poster)
Is ultrasound estimation of bladder weight a useful diagnostic tool?
Panayi DC, Tekkis P, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Khullar V
(Oral Poster)
Ultrasound measurement of vaginal wall thickness is a novel and reliable technique
Panayi DC, Khullar V, Fernando R, Digesu GA, Tekkis P
(Oral Poster)
UK Continence Society (UKCS) Annual Meeting 2009 Swansea
Botulinum toxin for the overactive bladder: the woman’s perspective
DC Panayi, GA Digesu, M Camarata, R Lee Wai, R Fernando, V Khullar
BMUS Gynaecology Ultrasound Study Day February 2009
Invited speaker:
Assessing the pelvic floor and the use of ultrasound to assess the urogynaecology patient
British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG) Annual Research Meeting November 2008
Is ultrasound estimation of bladder weight a useful diagnostic tool?
DC Panayi, C Hendricken, R Fernando, GA Digesu and V Khullar
ICS 2008 Annual Meeting Cairo
A pilot randomised study to determine if rectal distension alters urodynamic findings
DC Panayi, V Khullar, M Spiteri, C Hendricken, R Fernando, P Tekkis
(One of three studies at the meeting published in the official ICS Newsletter)
Reliability and Normal Ranges for the PPIUS in normal women
R Cartwright, DC Panayi, L Cardozo, V Khullar
International Urogynaecology Association (IUGA) Annual meeting 2008 Taipei
A pilot randomised study to determine if rectal distension alters urodynamic findings
DC Panayi, V Khullar, M Spiteri, C Hendricken, R Fernando, P Tekkis
Does the constipation questionnaire from the Rome III Criteria demonstrate test-retest reliability?
N Kundi, DC Panayi, R Fernando, M Rameez, V Khullar
The Rome III Constipation Questionnaire: a Delphic and unreliable tool in diagnosing constipation
GA Digesu, N Kundi, DC Panayi, R Lee, R Fernando, V Khullar
Do women perceive their bladder function differently after having children?
DC Panayi, R Fernando, W Lee, V Khullar
Where is Botulinum Toxin being injected?
DC Panayi, GA Digesu, R Fernando, V Khullar
BSUG Annual Research Meeting 2007
A pilot randomised study to determine if rectal distension alters urodynamic findings
DC Panayi, V Khullar, M Spiteri, C Hendricken, R Fernando, P Tekkis
ICS 2007 Rotterdam
Can outcome of continence surgery be predicted using urodynamic parameters?
Panayi DC, Camarata M, Basu M, Digesu G, Khullar V, Duckett J
Dept of Urogynaecology, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, U.K., The Medway Maritime Hospital, Kent, U.K.
(Oral Poster)
Is the placebo effect of anticholinergics related to the pelvic floor?
Panayi DC, Khan M, Digesu GA, Fernando R, Khullar V Dept of Urogynaecology, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, U.
(Oral poster)
IUGA 2007 Cancun
Opening pressures, can they predict surgical outcome?
DC Panayi, M Camarata, GA Digesu, M Basu, V Khullar and J Duckett
(Oral Poster)
Is the pelvic floor the cause of the placebo effect?
Panayi DC, Khan M, Digesu GA, Fernando R, Khullar V
(Oral Poster)
UKCS 2007 Birmingham
Mesh shrinkage in Sacrocolpopexy: Fact or Fiction?
GA Digesu, T Miskry, DC Panayi and V Khullar (presenter)
Opening pressures, can they predict surgical outcome?
DC Panayi, M Camarata, GA Digesu, M Basu, V Khullar and J Duckett
Is the pelvic floor responsible for the placebo effect?
Panayi DC, Khan M, Digesu GA, Fernando R, Khullar
Does urodynamic diagnosis vary according to ethnicity?
Panayi D, Wooding K, Bundock H, Hendriken C, Digesu A, Fernando R, Khullar V