In London we are lucky to have a plethora of clinics that are well equipped to offer advice to women who have medical problems, not least ourselves. In other parts of the country there are equally great facilities but for some in rural areas getting access may not be as easy as jumping on the tube. It may include a long bus or train journey and lots of time off work and time away from home.
One area where you may need lots of appointments and tests is fertility treatment as this normally starts with a consultation then various tests before moving onto treatments and further consultations. As this area is very emotive is may be also necessary to provide some form of counselling or nutritional advice. If you have to travel hours to each and every appointment then you can see how onerous this could be.
One highly respected fertility consultant, Dr Irfana Koita, has addressed this problem by creating an online fertility clinic that is available to everyone in the UK. She has gathered an expert team of specialists in Urology, Nutrition, Counselling, Haematology, Geneticism and Endocrinology so that every conceivable condition that could lead to fertility problems is covered.
The initial consultation is carried out from the comfort of your home over Skype and then any tests you need to do are sent to you, where possible, and forwarded onto a UK laboratory for analysis. If you do need to visit a clinic at any stage they have a UK wide network so your travel won’t be too bad either. She attempts to cover as much as possible during online. This inevitably reduces your consultation and travel costs. You can see that Irfana and her team offer an amazing service to UK patients looking to start a family.
This is not just a service for the country dwelling ones amongst us, even city dwellers may feel that carrying out much of the process from their home is the best option for them and everyone will benefit from the cost savings.
The brand new website is so if you think their services could help you then have a browse through and get in touch with Irfana and her team.