Feeling fatigued and tired is a common occurrence that can be a direct impact of excessive physical activity, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, or a side effect of some types of medication. Although most of these causes can be controlled and avoided, tiredness during the weeks leading up to (PMS) and during your period may be caused by an underlying health issue.

Many women suffer from menorrhagia, which is more commonly known as heavy periods. Around 1 in 3 women will seek treatment for the issue.

If heavy bleeding is interfering with your everyday life, you shouldn’t ignore it, as your body could be telling you there is something seriously wrong.

When Is a Period Heavy?

Throughout your menstrual cycle, the degree of menstrual bleeding differs from woman to woman; a period can be considered ‘heavy” when the following symptoms occur:

  • At least one sanitary towel or tampon is soaked through each hour
  • A pad and a tampon is used at the same time
  • Waking up in the night to change sanitary product
  • Bleeding for more than a week
  • Large blood clots
  • Normal day-to-day activities are affected

Extreme Tiredness May Be An Underlying Medical Condition

Heavy menstrual bleeding often causes women to feel tired, commonly known as period fatigue. This is normal due to the decrease in oestrogen levels, which occurs around this point in your menstrual cycle. Your energy levels will usually return to normal within a few days as your hormone levels begin to increase again. However, for some women, period fatigue and mood swings may last longer and be more extreme. Some women may experience pre-menstrual symptoms and find themselves completely sluggish and unable to properly carry out routine activities, signifying something more severe.

This should be investigated as there could, in fact, be a medical reason or underlining gynaecological conditions as to why your energy levels are low and you feel so fatigued during your period. You may generally be a person whose periods cause them to feel more tired than others, or you might have an underlying medical issue like anaemia or an underactive thyroid. The important point to make is that you should never ignore extreme menstrual fatigue.

Premenstrual syndrome

A few women will experience a combination of symptoms in a predictable pattern before their period. Premenstrual syndrome describes extreme changes in physical and emotional health that appear before the onset of your period and persist for a few days after it starts. Whilst PMS some symptoms are similar to those experienced during a period, their severity significantly interrupts everyday life and creates physical and mental suffering.

Even though the precise cause of premenstrual syndrome is unknown, research points to hormone shifts, pre-existing mental health issues, and particular lifestyle variables as significant factors. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the term used to describe very severe types of premenstrual syndrome, which need for further medical care.

Iron Deficiency Anaemia

The most common cause of iron deficiency anaemia is menorrhagia since there is often a significant amount of blood loss. The symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia include tiredness, pale skin, shortness of breath and heart palpitations during your menstrual cycles.

A diagnosis can be given after carrying out a full blood test to determine whether the number of red blood cells is within the normal range. If diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia, your doctor will normally advise you to take iron supplements and improve your diet to increase the amount of iron-rich foods you eat; to compensate for the loss of nutrients during heavy periods.

Where heavy periods are the reason for your anaemia, medication is typically prescribed by your GP. There are several treatment options available for menorrhagia, and these will vary from patient to patient depending on several factors, including severity, medical history and lifestyle. Where medication is ineffective, surgical treatment may be recommended.

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland found in the neck, the function of which is to produce hormones to regulate the metabolism of your body naturally.

Some women who experience extreme period fatigue and tiredness may find that they have an underactive thyroid, which means your thyroid is not producing enough hormones. Symptoms include feeling exhausted and wanting to sleep all the time even if you have had a full ‘night’s rest. Other common symptoms include weight gain and feelings of depression. Around 15 in 1000, women in the UK will suffer from hypothyroidism.

The opposite might occur where the thyroid is overactive and produces an excess of certain hormones; this is called hyperthyroidism.

Your GP can determine if you have a thyroid problem by carrying out a thyroid function test, taking a blood sample to measure hormone levels. If diagnosed, hormone replacement tablets are prescribed and should be taken daily, with blood tests being carried out regularly to monitor hormone levels.

Period Fatigue Recommendations

If you are experiencing heavy periods or extreme period fatigue, ensure that you see your GP or a private gynaecologist to outline whether it is due to any underlying health issues or not.

Some ways to combat the feeling of tiredness during your period include drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration, improving sleep quality by getting at least 8 hours of sleep, and doing some physical activity or exercise – as it is the best fighter of period fatigue.

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